Park District of Forest Park Memorial Tree Program
Give the gift that keeps Growing! The Memorial Tree Program is designed to add trees to the park. You may purchase a tree as a way to remember a loved one, celebrate a birth, or commemorate a special event or an anniversary.
Your tree can be a special symbol or a gift that you may enjoy for years to come. At the same time, our Park will continue to grow in size and beauty for all Forest Park residents to enjoy.
As a donor, you may select a tree(s) from a list of shade, ornamental, or evergreen trees. Included in the price of the tree is planting, care, and replacement if necessary. The exact location of the tree will be determined in cooperation with the Park District staff.
Donation of $400.00
Maple, Autumn Purple Ash, Honey Locust, Ulmus-Elm
Donation of $300.00
Cornelian Cherry Dogwood, Bacath Jacki Crabtree, Indian Summer Crabapple, Spring Snow Crabapple
Donation of $200.00
Adopt a tree already growing in the Park.