Foundation and Community Support
Community support plays an essential role in our park district system. There are several ways the community can play a role in ensuring our parks remain a viable and vital part of our village.
Park District of Forest Park Foundation, NFP
The Park District of Forest Park Foundation (PDoFPF) was formed in 2013, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. PDoFPF solicits support for the Park District of Forest Park community through philanthropic endeavors such as volunteerism, gifts, grants, memberships, and planned giving opportunities. A Board of Directors, consisting of local community members acts to improve the quality of life for people utilizing the Park District of Forest Park facilities and amenities throughout the Park.
Mission Statement
The Park District of Forest Park Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the Forest Park Community by assisting the Park District of Forest Park in securing philanthropic support on its behalf to enhance the use, access, preservation and restoration of recreational facilities, land acquisition and special events and programs.
How can you help?
The PDoFPF can use help through volunteers and through financial contributions. If you would like to volunteer for one of their events, please email the Foundation Board members at If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Foundation, feel free to reach out!
PDoFPF Board of Directors
-President | -Vice President | -Secretary | -Treasurer |
Community Support
While the village has undoubtedly changed in the 80-plus years since the park district was formed, the staff and board of commissioners still remain committed to providing the community with a beautiful park, modern facilities and quality programming.
The Park District of Forest Park and/or its staff members is a member of the Illinois Association of Park Districts, National Park and Recreation Association, Forest Park Chamber of Commerce, Forest Park Community Education Council, Illinois Park and Recreation Association, Suburban Park and Recreation Association, Midwest Institute of Park Executives and West Suburban Special Recreation Association.
In addition, the park district is proud to have in place intergovernmental agreements with the Village of Forest Park and the School District 91. Without cooperation from all of these agencies, we would not be able to offer the programs that we do!