Pool Pump Room Bid Notice
January 12, 2024
Park District of Forest Park
7501 Harrison St.
Forest Park, IL 60130
Contact: Jackie Iovinelli (708) 366-7500 x 121
Invitation to Bid
The Park District of Forest Park (“Park District” or “Owner”) will receive bids for the Aquatic Center – Main Pump Room Pipe Replacement, located at the 7501 West Harrison Street, Forest Park, Illinois 60130. Bid Documents, including Instructions to Bidders, Drawings, Technical Specifications, General and any Special Conditions, and Bid Forms, including required Contractor Certifications and Prevailing Wage Determination and Supersedes Notice, are available at Park District of Forest Park Administration Building, 7501 Harrison St., Forest Park, Illinois 60130 commencing on December 27, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
A Pre-bid Meeting will be held at Administration Building, 7501 Harrison St., Forest Park, Illinois, at 12:00 p.m. on January 3, 2024. This meeting will be used to review the Specifications and give any Bidders the opportunity to discuss any concerns with the Owner. Attendance at this meeting by all persons desiring to bid on this Project recommended.
Each bid shall be placed in an opaque sealed envelope and clearly marked “Park District of Forest Park, Aquatic Center – Main Pump Room Pipe Replacement.” The envelope shall be addressed and delivered to and received by the Park District at the following location: Administration Building, 7501 Harrison St., Forest Park, Illinois 60130. No responsibility shall be attached to any person for premature opening of a bid not properly identified.
Bids will be received until 10:00 a.m. on January 12, 2024. Immediately thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after that time or at a different location will be rejected and returned to the Bidder unopened.
The Park District of Forest Park reserves the right to waive technicalities, to accept or reject any or all bids, and/or to accept only portions of a bid and reject the remainder. Owner will award the Contract to the lowest most responsible and responsive Bidder, as determined by Owner. In considering the Bidder’s responsibility, the Owner may evaluate, among other factors, the ability of the Bidder to provide experienced labor sufficient in numbers to timely and properly complete the services, the financial capability of the Bidder, and the performance of the Bidder on other projects.
Bids shall not include federal excise tax or state sales tax for materials to be incorporated in, or totally consumed in the prosecution of the Work. A tax exemption certificate will be furnished by the Park District at the request of the Bidder. The Park District’s tax exemption number shall only be used by the successful Bidder for the Work of this Project.
After the bid opening time, no bid shall be withdrawn or canceled for a period of sixty (60) calendar days.
The Work of this Project is subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq. A prevailing wage determination has been made by the Park District, which is the same as that determined by the Illinois Department of Labor for public works projects in Cook County. The Contract entered into for the Work will be drawn in compliance with said law and proposals should be prepared accordingly and provide for payment of all laborers, workmen, and mechanics needed to perform the Work at no less than the prevailing rate of wages (or the prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work) for each craft, type of worker, or mechanic.
The Contractor(s) selected will also be required to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations and executive orders, including but not limited to those pertaining to equal employment opportunity.
Direct questions to Jackie Iovinelli, Executive Director, Park District of Forest Park, jiovinelli@pdofpstaff.org, 708-366-7500 x 121.
Main Pool Pump Room Pipe Replacement Bid Packet (Includes Instructions & Timeline)